Your home address falls within an elementary and high school attendance boundary: these are your neighborhood schools. You have the option to send your child to this elementary school and high school.
Some schools - like magnet, selective enrollment, and military schools - have their own processes for enrollment. These schools are marked with a CW inside their map pin. Visit to learn how to apply to these kinds of schools.
Charter schools are public schools that are independently operated. Charter schools are open to all Chicago children but an application and sometimes a lottery is required for enrollment. These schools are marked with a CH inside their map pin.
A Performance Rating for a school is based on the school's score on the Performance Policy. To learn more, visit:
Schools receiving a Level 1+ rating.
Schools receiving a Level 1 rating.
Schools receiving a Level 2+ rating.
Schools receiving a Level 2 rating.
Schools receiving a Level 3 rating.
Schools not having enough data for a Performance Policy rating.
The School Classification filter works in conjunction with the Grade Category filter to focus the search results. For example, if High School and Magnet are checked, the results will show only the Magnet High Schools for that search. You must click Show All Schools or Search by Address to get results.
Schools that have an attendance boundary. Generally, all students who live within this area may attend the school. Acceptance based on student living in boundary area or application if out of boundary area.
Schools that are open to all Chicago children, but operate independently from the Board and each other. Acceptance based on application and random lottery, if applicable.
Schools - like magnet, selective enrollment, and military schools - that have their own processes for enrollment.
Schools that provide an accelerated instructional program that place an emphasis on thinking, reasoning, problem solving and creativity. Acceptance based on application and entrance exam.
Schools that specialize in a specific subject area. Acceptance based on application and random lottery.
Schools that offer a rigorous curriculum with mainly honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Acceptance based on application and entrance exam.
Schools that are operated by private entities under contract with the Chicago Public Schools. Acceptance based on application or random lottery if applicable.
Schools for students with disabilities who reside in specified geographic locations. Acceptance based on students’ Individualized Education Program.
Compare Schools |
Name | # of Students | Rating | Reading | Math | ACT | Graduation | College | Growth | Attainment | Culture | Mobility | Dress Code | ADA | Classification | Phone |
Boundary Questions?
School boundary confirmation can only be officially confirmed through the Office of Strategy Management at 773.553.3270.
Enrollment Questions?
Questions regarding specific enrollment procedures should be directed to the Office of Access and Enrollment at 773.553.2060.
The school locator allows you to search for CPS schools by name, address and zip code. Results can be viewed in a variety of ways including by attendance boundary, ward, neighborhood or zip code.
The map features color-coded pins for each school that you can click to access general information about schools such as contact information, grade category, grades and performance rating. The school detail box also provides a link to the school's profile that has more extensive information including enrollment, academic performance and demographics.
Type your street address into the text box and click the search button. Schools near your location will appear in a list on the left side of the screen. Click a school name to see its location on the map.
Click on a colored school pin on the map to see the attendance boundary for that school. The attendance boundary will appear as a shaded area on the map. This will help you identify the attendance area down to the street level. It can sometimes be helpful to zoom in on the map to see specific street names.
Click the "Find Schools Around Me" button to find schools near your current location. Some devices and/or browsers may ask you for permission before sending your current location. You must allow your current location to be sent in order for this feature to work.
Start typing the name of the school in the search box and click the drop down list of schools to find a school by name. When a school is selected, the school location will be marked with a colored pin on the map and a detail panel will appear with additional information.
An overlay is a transparent layer of additional information that appears on top of the existing map to help denote specific boundaries or regions. For example, a zip code overlay will show boundaries for all the zip codes in Chicago. Click on a specific boundary area on the map to see more details about that area.
The Filter Results button allows you to filter your search. Click on Grade Category and check any grades categories you want to appear. For example, to view high schools only, check High School. By default all grade categories (elementary, middle and high school) are displayed.
To view all the schools, click the Reset Map button then click the search icon (magnifying glass).
To view the LSC boundary, click the on the school to bring up the detail view then click the LSC button.
11/7/2016 - Added 2016 School Comparison data.
10/20/2016 - Added the Tier number to the results panel (under the yellow pin icon) when an address search is executed.
10/17/2016 - Added URL Address Search. Pass an address into the URL and the map will display your neighborhood schools. Add a Type parameter (HS or ES) and it will filter the results. For example: ?Address=1234+N+Western+Chicago+IL+60622&Type=HS will return the neighborhood high school for a student residing at 1234 N Western. City, State and Zip are not required but should be added for more accurate results.
10/11/2016 - Added link to GitHub repository.
10/6/2016 - Updated School Ratings and Tiers overlay for SY 2016-17.
9/8/2016 - Updated Safe Passage overlay and downloadable map PDF for SY 2016-17.
7/25/2016 - Updated Elementary, Middle, High School, Charter, IL House, IL Senate, US Congressional, and Wards Overlays for 2016-17. School Compare feature and School Classifications are using 2015 data until new data is acquired.
5/1/2016 - Changed Advanced Search to display only Overlays and added the Advanced Search filtering feature to search results. Added Local School Council (LSC) button to school detail panel. The LSC button displays the LSC boundary for the school. Added Transit and Bike overlays. Fixed Tiers overlay showing 2014 colors. Updated directions button to show starting point on google maps if there is an address in the input field.
10/26/2015 - Student Count and School Ratings updated for 2015-16.
10/19/2015 - Added 1/4 mile radius search. Fixed results when 0 schools are found.
10/15/2015 - Added a "More Schools" button to the school detail view. This button triggers a radius search around the school address. Added a "Show All Schools" function to the search button. If nothing is entered into the input field, clicking the magnifying glass will show all schools. Fixed result list display bugs.
10/01/2015 - Updated Tiers Overlay for 2015-16.
08/28/2015 - Updated Safe Passage Overlay for 2015-16.
07/29/2015 - Updated School Locations for 2015-16 pdf. Added noscript tag for browsers that don't have Javascript enabled. Updated Elementary overlay.
07/27/2015 - Updated Find Me and long press to display address search. Advanced search shows filters in the school count display and Grade Category and Performance Rating check boxes are off by default. Schools with multiple boundaries display individual boundaries.
07/17/2015 - Redesigned layout to function better on mobile devices. Added ability to compare schools, Google street view, enroll button, tour, Find Me and long press to drop pin. Removed all programs except for Early Childhood Programs until the new programs list is ready.
01/14/2015 - Updated Programs Offered.
12/03/2014 - Updated Programs and School Ratings information for 2014.
10/9/2014 - Updated Tiers and Classification information for 2014. Programs and School Ratings are not updated for 2014 in this version.
8/8/2014 - Updated school location, boundary data, and political overlays for 2014. Classifications, Programs and School Ratings are not updated in this version.
11/20/2013 - Updated to 2013 Network Overlay.
10/03/2013 - Updated to 2012-2013 Performance Ratings.
09/20/2013 - Updated program types and CPS Tiers for 2013.
09/09/2013 - Added Performance Rating filter and icons.
09/04/2013 - Changed default search to Search by School Name.
08/22/2013 - Updated school list and school attendance boundaries for 2013-14 school year. Added Safe Passage route information.
04/02/2013 - Added Programs Offered: Early Childhood, Fine and Performing Arts, International Baccalaureate, JROTC, Military Academy, Montessori, Early College STEM School.
02/11/2013 - Added Political Overlays: IL House, IL Senate, and US Congressional.
01/02/2013 - Updated API.
11/16/2012 - Added Tiers Overlay.
11/1/2012 - Added Pin Location verification display.
10/17/2012 - The school locator launches with search by address, school name, zip code, show all schools, Program Type filter, School Classification filter, url search, .25 - 2.5 mile radius, three grade categories (elementary, middle, high), eight overlays (elementary boundary, middle school boundary, high school boundary, community area, ward, zip code, elementary network, and high school network), help guide, video tutorial, faq and feedback form.
Disclaimer: The home school address search is provided to allow easy access and visual display of school boundary and school location information. Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the maps and data provided; nevertheless, some information may not be accurate. All data visualizations on maps should be considered approximate.
An overlay is a transparent layer of additional information that appears on top of the existing map to help denote specific boundaries or regions.
For example, a zip code overlay will show boundaries for all the zip codes in Chicago. Click on a specific boundary area on the map to see more details about that area.